Some people are born with weak immune systems that contribute to a variety of health problems later in life. For example, anyone in this situation should get their child vaccinated for the painful condition known as shingles as soon as possible. Failure to do so could set their child up for this health issue and cause them unfortunate suffering.
Shingles Occurs Most Commonly In Those With Weak Immune Systems
Anybody who had chicken pox at some point in their life is at risk for shingles. That's because the virus is still present in their body and could be reactivated by any number of influences. However, people with a weaker immune system may be at an increased risk of this danger, particularly if they are genetically predisposed towards weak immune operation.
Symptoms that a parent has a weak immune system includes cold hands, bowel problems, dry eyes, regular mild fevers, chronic fatigue, and much more. These symptoms indicate that a parent who had chicken pox could break out into shingles at any point and, unfortunately, cause serious health problems if passed on to their children, symptoms that their child may struggle to fight due to a weaker immune system.
Parents May Pass Both Problems To Their Children
Children of parents with weak immune systems are likely at an increased risk of experiencing this problem later on in their adulthood. Even worse, these children may struggle to fight disease when they are young and may be prone to catching diseases like chicken pox or – even worse – shingles from their parents.
Unfortunately, a child who already had chicken pox could likely experience early symptoms of shingles if exposed to the virus through their parents. However, the use of a high-quality shingles vaccine can immunize a child from this disease and keep them from suffering the painful rashes that it causes.
How Vaccines Help Avoid This Problem
High-quality shingles vaccines provide a child with a protective barrier against this disease. For example, it will introduce the virus to their weaker immune system but in a dormant form. As a result, the child's slower or less responsive immune system will be prepared for the disease and will be able to fight it off more easily.
Just as importantly, studies have found that weaker immune systems often get a boost from the introduction of vaccines into their system. As a result, the child of a parent with a weaker immune system may be able to fight off diseases that their parent cannot, potentially setting up future generations with stronger defenses against shingles.
So if you believe that you have a weak immune system and are worried about shingles affecting your child, talk to an immunization expert right away to learn more. These professionals will protect your children and bring you the peace of mind you deserve as a parent.